These player(s) are known to have, or used to have, clubname=Piss Clan configured:
  1. Faultier37
  2. Arctic
  3. _Piss_ Fortnite
  4. MikeOxlong
  5. ieieieikekwiwi
  6. Drax
  7. FormlessForecas
  8. imagine losing
  9. Seven
  10. IrascibleFacult
  11. Fortinte man69
  12. skwascool
  13. Ex0Haxssss
  14. Pucio92
  15. sledge
  16. I Like BigPP (previously)
  17. monke (previously)
  18. Steamy (previously)
  19. -_-leo-_- (previously)
  20. _plsSpecial (previously)